
Friday, April 4, 2014

DIY - tutorial how to make a SPACECRAFT

REcycled items this time: a old kitchen utensil (to mash potatoes), plastic caps from jus and milk bottles.

I've finished the second spacecraft, and now I've taken pics of in-betweens, so that there's a step-by-step tutorial for you today.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A wooden toy CALF from recycled timber

REcycled materials this time: a sort of hammer (charity shop, a kids toy maybe in its previous life, because it's too light and clean to have been lived as a kitchen utensil).

And here's the first one for the farm - a CALF. It's not quite a tutorial today, being rather a general explication on the process, without detail photos. I loved how it turned out, so next I'm going to make a post with more step-by-step's and more explications. Stay tuned.