
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Nursery gift - elephant stuffed toy

Hei there! Here's another occasion of making a welcome-baby gift for a friend.

We just got back home this week, after A MONTH being on what is normally called holidays. And that was fun-n-tough - like seeing all the family here and there, and endless talking and cooking together, and finding new inspirations, but also driving-flying-taking multiple trains-combos across half Europe with two small kids every ten days. Dealing with them being over-excited, over-tired, rude, screaming, not sleeping, eating candies, - like that's not your kids anymore. You certainly know what I mean - big, long family vacations, because a month like this is LONG. Happy time, exhausting time. Period. Now let's move on and get back to normal life.

So what is going on here? Remember, I told once, after I've made this elephant, that it was fun and I was thinking about making more of them?

That's it - a bit bigger, slightly different shape which is still simple but more adjusted. Stuffing a toy makes significant distortions of the flat shape, and this time I've tried to account for that. Still not quite perfect, on my opinion, so this elephant got some extra adjustment hand made seams here and there and a bit of photoshopping too, but less than the first one, so we're making progress here, hurray!

This time there's less patchworking, but more different fabric qualities, and some vintage finds as well - like this crocheted piece of a napkin. I have a small collection of them, which I have been hoarded since awhile. I'm glad they finally come in handy. There are embroided hot pink cotton, and fine alpaca wool, and fabrics from Liberty, Petit Pan, Marimekko, some corduroy, and fluffy organic cotton for ears, and linen, of course.

Stay tuned for other elephants, I hope this one is not going to be the last one.