
Friday, June 22, 2012

New drawings - white dahlias

As much as I thank all of you for coming and reading, writing me emails, asking and encouraging, and appreciating my works, I‘m also concerned about trying to get better. It‘s been a month since I started the blog and it‘s been challenging and exciting, and inspiring being out there. And I‘ve done a lot of work since then. Each time I work on a project, I want to create a piece where I did my best, making almost always a serie of pieces, because that‘s how I can put there a story which I find important to tell. I was trained to always do my best, and being a perfectionist means to take time and to remake. The same as for my english skills – I‘m not a native speaker, and writing in english is still a bit of challenge for me, I‘m much more comfortable with other languages, such as german, french, russian. Well, I do love challenges, that‘s why I‘m here on blogosphere to share my creative life with you. In english. Last days I was also busy re-writing some of my early posts – that‘s what perfectionists do, right? I do not actually have that much time, but I had to find it anyway, because that perfectionist in me has redrilled with kind of: „not that good, you know!?“ Yes, I knew. I‘ve remade. Now both of us are reconciled again.
Well, here come also some recent drawings – white dahlias, as promised. A couple more of them here on Flickr.
I‘ve also finished the colouring book with a story about a bird, but kind of feeling that something is missing there (Perfectionist revisited!). Right now I‘m working on finishing my patch-art-works. Stay tuned, they are supposed to be here on weekend. That‘s the plan!

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